INTERACT PADR project concluded its research work at a final meeting which was organised on July 12th at the EDA premises in Brussels. The event was very successful, attracting over 55 participants.
During this fruitful meeting, the project results have been presented while the project’s recommendations and proposed standardization and R&D Roadmap for enhancing the capabilities of European unmanned armed forces, were at the top of the discussions. The consortium collected valuable feedback and recommendations for future exploitation of the project’s results.
A two-days demonstration of the INTERACT project was held on 29-30 March at FOI premises in Kista. 37 people from 10 European countries participated in the event. The demonstration included both presentations of the project results and findings as well as a simulation of UxVs, i.e. different types of unmanned vehicles on water, on land, and in the air, that acted interoperably as well as showcased the high-level architecture for unmanned systems.
INTERACT is an EU PADR funded programme about investigating the existing standards regarding interoperability on unmanned military systems and vehicles and based on these propose an industry-wide standard for control stations, sensor data transmission, and data links.
On February 14th, 2023 INTERACT project had the opportunity to present its objectives and key achievements within the European Defence Agency’s CapTech GNC (Guidance, Navigation, and Control) meeting that took place in Brussels.
INTERACT was represented by the project coordination team, FRAUNHOFER IOSB partner, who underpinned the importance of interoperability of unmanned systems in support to future defence capability needs. Moreover, the implementation roadmap of INTERACT for 2023 was presented.
INTERACT 2nd General Assembly (online)
On January 13th, 2023 the INTERACT consortium met online for the 2nd General Assembly of the project. During the meeting, the main achievements of INTERACT in 2022 were showcased and a brief description on the approach/methodology followed by partners was given. The topics discussed included aspects from WP3 and particularly Interoperability of payloads and carriers, control station, data link and open architecture interoperability. Moreover, the work performed in regards the dissemination of INTERACT was presented and the main findings from the Preliminary Business Plan were delineated.
Lastly, the project coordination team from FRAUNHOFER IOSB partner, listed the objectives for the last phase of INTERACT lifecycle in 2023 and set the plan towards the tasks’ implementation.
A warm thank you to all partners for their participation to fruitful discussions made throughout the Assembly and their contribution / feedback for the actions to be made ahead until end of May 2023.
CROWN PADR Newsletter is out ! | Synergy Projects
📢Our synergy project, CROWN PADR has published the December 2022 issue!
You can read it at:
Fresh INTERACT Factsheet | Y2
📢We have updated the INTERACT project Factsheet for the 2nd year of the project❗️❗️
INTERACT project enhances the capabilities of European armed forces to safely and effectively operate unmanned systems together with manned systems in joint or combined operations. The project will deliver the effective means to ensure the interoperability and standardisation of different unmanned systems, equipment, components and procedures in order to maximise benefit and optimise adoption and integration ofunmanned systems in the operation of armed force. This project has received funding from European Union’s Preparatory Action for Defence Research
🟡Interested to learn🧐 more? 🔻
Overall Presentation of INTERACT | Available online
📌 The OverallPresentation of INTERACT PADR is available online❗️
👉Learn more about our project and spread the word out📣
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All promotional materials of the project are available on INTERACT website, at Press Kit section, sub-section Promotional Materials
4th INTERACT Workshop on UxS Interoperability | The Hague
The 4th Workshop on UxS Interoperability was held on 29th – 30th September 2022 in The Hague, Netherlands. The activity was supported by all INTERACT PADR partners and it was hosted by TNO.
The workshop was attended by approximately 20 participants and the preceded discussions on UxS Interoperability aspects made in the third workshop were further deepened in this one.
INTERACT Promotional Material | Updated for Y2
📢 Our project team has updated and enriched the INTERACT promotional material for the second year of its lifecycle. Particularly, the produced material 🔻
📌 You may find the on INTERACT website, at section “Press Kit”, subsection, “Promotional Materials”
EDA Annual Conference 2022: Investing in European Defence
The EDA Annual Conference 2022: Investing in European Defence will take place on 8 December 2022 in a hybrid format.
- Date: Thursday 8 December 2022
- Time: 9:30 – 16:00
- Place: Brussels and Online
- Contact:
The high-level event will allow the wider European defence community to discuss how today’s promises of increased investment will have the most tangible impact on tomorrow’s defence capabilities. Speakers will present their vision for what increased investment in European defence will mean and whether new commitments will drive cooperation or competition.
More information on the conference programme and registration will be available soon at European Defence Agency website.