Year: 2021

1st General Assembly Meeting | INTERACT PADR

1st General Assembly Meeting | INTERACT PADR

On the 16th of December 2021, the INTERACT project team got together virtually for its 1st General Assembly Meeting. During this one-day meeting the consortium reviewed all the activities made in its first six months of lifecycle and discussed the objectives as well as the plans for the upcoming year.

Later on, aspects of WP2 “State of the Art & Requirements Analysis” were elaborated and the actions implemented around dissemination, communication and exploitation within the frame of WP5 “Roadmap and Dissemination” were presented.

Lastly, IOSB team as project coordinator of INTERACT listed the conclusions extracted from the discussions held throughout the meeting.

A warm thank you to all partners for their active participation!

INTERACT featured at website

The INTERACT project is featured at website at section “EU defence Agency”, subsectionPreparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR)”.

The Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) is a precursor programme of the European Defence Fund (EDF).  PADR funds 18 research projects that have been selected following calls for proposals in the years 2017 to 2019, including an open call on disruptive technologies to test this new research field in view of the future EDF.

PADR Objectives

  • Demonstrate and assess added-value of EU supported defence R&T
  • Foster cooperation between Member States and between EU defence industries, RTOs and academia
  • Prepare the research window of the EDF from 2021 onwards

You can read more about PADR here,

More information around INTERACT project are provided by the website at the digital promotional material available here.

INTERACT Kick Off Meeting

Nineteen project partners from eleven European countries (i.e. Germany, Netherlands, Greece, Sweden, Spain, Italy, France, Denmark, Lithuania, Romania, Poland) got together virtually on 21st of June 2021 in order to launch the INTERACT project. Project partners had the opportunity to provide an overview of Work Packages and outline the actions to be carried out per each one during the upcoming period.The INTERACT is a project funded by theEuropean Union’s Preparatory Action for Defence Research under grant agreement No. 884270with lifecycle of twenty-four months.